Tuesday, June 21, 2005

Made it to Reykjavik!

Two new world speed records have been set for the fastest time for a Class I.e aircraft to fly from London to Wick (2.6 hours) and Wick to Reykavik (3.5 hours)! To be confirmed by the NAA/FAI governing body...

June 21st is a holiday in Greenland and the airports are closed so we are waiting it out in Iceland to find out how the winds will treat us. There is a chance that with difficult head winds we will have to abandon the quest to reach America. We found out from some guys flying the Easterly direction that there is no fuel in Kulusuk which would be the only shorter alternative. Without fuel, we're stuck!! So pray for Westerly winds on Wednesday!!

I've uploaded some photos to see.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Congratulations! The first major milestone to crossing the North Atlantic. I trust you're enjoying the Loftleidir Hotel and the bright nights.

It was great talking to you in-flight on the sat phone today! Much better reception than last time I used it!

I especially liked your picture of too many bags in the plane. But also want to see the full technology craziness buzzing away in flight! And get used to the spiral staircases, and long climbs up to the tower to get weather and file flight plans. One of the rituals of international GA flying.

Good luck with the winds and weather!


6:53 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good stuff.....although one picture looks like your credit card just got refused! Oh, and the other thing - you don't see ground crews like that in NA!


5:12 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow some beautiful shots, especially of iceland at 23:00! I hope you find your winds and continue to make godspeed!

7:14 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Congratulations for making your dream come true. I wish you to enjoy every minute of your flight.
Paul Eluard (French writer) said "A dream without stars is a dream quickly forgotten". So I hope you will fly at least a few hours in a clear night or .... next time you need to take me on the back seat !

8:04 AM  

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